Buy weed online safely From

Buy weed online safely; Buying weed online can be safe and unsafe, depending on many different factors.

If you frequent marijuana websites, then I’m sure you have noticed a growing trend of people trying to sell marijuana over the internet. The sales pitches are bold, stating that they stock this strain and that strain, and to e-mail them for details.

These types of comments are all over not only TWB’s comments sections, but also in every large marijuana website’s comments sections. Consider this a public service announcement – beware buying marijuana on the internet.

You should really beware buying anything on the internet from a not reputable source. And realize that there is an added element when you are buying marijuana online. Not only can you get ripped off, you can get arrested when the marijuana comes in the mail. Not only are scammers posting those types of comments, I’m assuming narcs are too. Why wouldn’t they?

Does this mean that people never buy marijuana online successfully? No. I’m sure that there are many people that have bought marijuana online and do it all the time. But for every person that does it successfully, there’s an untold amount of people that get hustled or arrested.

I know that it’s tough when you can’t find marijuana. I can understand that it’s tempting to try out one of the people online to see if they are legit or not. But remember, there are bad people out there on the internet that are scamming people using all kinds of stories. Using promises to provide marijuana is just one of the latest scams. These are the same people that are pretending to be princes from Nigeria, or a long lost relative from Europe.

Don’t give these people your money. If you see their comments, flag them via Disquis. If you see them on Facebook, report them there too. I try to report as many as I can, but I am just one man working part time, and there are only so many hours during the day. Help me out by reporting these scammers on this site and any other marijuana website you see them on!

If you need marijuana so bad, go to Colorado, buy marijuana legally, smoke to your hearts content, and never try to buy marijuana online - on the internet.


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